Original Pinkie Pie is Original + Crystal Pinkie
Pink space | balloons | Crystalize | Galactic Pinkie
It was...*dun dun dun*....PONYshopped
Well it was bound to happen sooner or later....I made a wallpaper of....*dun dun dun*...*cricket chirps*.....MOar dots......PINKIE PIE!
*Sorry Not sorry* Had to happen, especially after seeing the episode "Too Many Pinkie Pies". AWESOME EPISODE! A whole storm of PINKIE PIES! So awesome and they loved Orange frogs. So yesssssssssss.............
*clears throat* But for real now made a galactic wallpaper featuring Pinkie Pie and her epic pinkieness. So no other explanation is needed.
Enjoy the Pinkie Pie wallpaper everyPony.