Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) ARC-V Christmas

ARC-V Christmas
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Scan is Original

Christmasish bokeh from hereZ | redish texture

Yes IT was PHOTOshopped Brosef....


Well, I FINALLY made a wallpaper with this scan. It has been in my files collecting cyber dust for awhile. Even Hacker was beginning to wants to has it. But I didn't lets him....I made it into a wallpaper. FinALLY since it is FINALLY this type of year to make Christmasy wallpapers....so...yeah....moving....on.....

But seriously though I am glad to have Finally made my first Christmas wallpaper for the season. It was about time I did. And it was an ARC-V wallie at that. Again not enough epic scans of ARC-V characters or GX characters for that matter...(I wants an epic scan of Jehu or Johan orz)

Well I tried to do that kind of whimsicalish Christmas kind of look and make it all shiny and stuffs. I admit this could have probably been a little bit better but I'm just like, it is as good as it is going to get....for now. Don't real has a long description for this one other than.

Basically....ARC-V Christmas scan featuring Yuya and Sora decorating Christmas cakes and sweets....bokeh...shiny...enough said.

Hope everybody has a Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas....enjoy everypony.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
bokeh, cakes, Christmas, christmas tree, lights, sora, sora shiunin, sweets, winter, yu-gi-oh arc-v, yuya, yuya sakaki
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