Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Celestial Sun

Celestial Sun
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Princess Celestia is original

Cloud Celestia is floating on | Background | sun | brush

PonyShopped in PonyShop CS5


Since I did a wallpaper of Princess Luna in her "element" of night. I figured I might as well do a wallpaper of Princess Celestia in her "element" of daylight.

Princess Celestia is the the kind humble ruler of Equestria along with her sister Princess Luna. She is responsible for raising the sun each day as Luna raises the moon at night. She is wise, kind to her pony subjects, and seems to rule with a just hoof. She is powerful at magic, sometimes will take potential ponies like Twilight Sparkle gifted with magic to train them. Or rather she has a class that teaches them. She has appeared in numerous episodes. She also has a pet phoenix too that has appeared in only one episode so far (at least with the ones I've watched.)

Anyway related wallpaper description is related: I tried to create that "daytime" atmosphere which was kind of challenging. Tried to make it somewhat cosmic similar Luna's wallpaper but with daylight. I think the challenging part was trying to create those sparkles on Princess Celestia's mane and tail. Anyway did my best with what I had.

Hope everypony enjoys the wallpaper.

My Little Pony Wallpapers
alicorn, blue sky, celestia, cosmic, daytime, fim, friendship is magic, magic, mip, my little pony, princess celestia, sky, stars, sun, unicorn
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