Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Fly Free

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Original Flying Charizard with Ash is Original

Background | bokeh | stars

Twas Photoshopped

Anyway I couldn't wait any longer to make my Secret Santa Gift so I decided to make it. On her wish list I saw she wanted a wallpaper of Charizard and I thought "Yeah I can do that" so that's what I did.

This is Ash and his Pikachu flying on his Charizard's back. I was originally going to use a different image with Red but it didn't quite work out as well as I hoped so i scrapped that idea. Found this pic of Ash and Charizard in my files so I thought that could work and went with that.

Yep remember Ash having Charizard on his team. To me that was the good days of Pokemon. Not that the newer stuff is bad. To me it doesn't beat the classic stuff. But anyway moving on.

So I decided to photoshop some sky, blended with some city and stars and whathas you to try to make kind of a night timeish thing. Took awhile to do with extracting the image and whatnot. I did the best I could with what I had to work with.

Yep I is your Secret Santa pony XxArrancarFanxX. I was actually surprised when I was your Secret Santa pony. Anyway I hope you enjoy the wallpaper. Thanks for being a good friend and supporting my work here on theO. You're an awesome pony and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all that.

Hope everypony enjoys the wallpaper too. Sorry if it is a bit early.

Pokemon Wallpapers
ash, ash ketchem, charizard, city, clouds, dragon, fire, flying, pikachu, pocket monsters, pokemon, satoshi, sky
9 votes thumb
11 members Favoritefavorite
allycat2090 kita mikichi ElementalNinja nikkeh09 XxArrancarFanxX Darkarax misachan83
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