Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) My Past Not Today

My Past Not Today
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Wallpaper version of this Artwork I did

Texture | Collage

Song (My Past Is Not Today ~ Sunset Shimmer [CV: Rebecca Shoichet])

Made in the Photoshops (except drawing, I drew that on Ipad)


Well I decided to go one step further with the drawing I did with Johan and turn it into an actual wallpaper. Actually I had this idea before I even I drew it. So yeah felt pretty cool turning one of my draws into a wallpaper.

For my wallpaper I added a little more texture enhancement, emphasized the sunburst effect a little more as in the original image, and changed the text to well better text. Because written text didn't have the effect I wanted as this was a wallpaper rather than just a fan art. Well it's a fan art turned into a wallpaper. Course I already mentioned that. Also added a Johan collage to the "wall" for more dramatic effect.

So long story short, draw of Johan in Sunset Shimmer's pose and style for an awesome song, evil demon Jehu shadow with fire with collage, 20% cooler text, and cooler effect. Yeah that pretty much makes up this wallpaper. My first wallpaper for 2017 so yay.

Can I be real for a minute? To be honest I made this draw and wallpaper as a way for me to try to move on from...well...past issues. Your past does not define you, move forward. While our pasts our apart of us, they don't define us. We can learn from them and move forward into brighter futures. That's what I tried to convey here.

Well I hope everypony enjoys the wallpaper version of Johan's version of My Past is Not Today. Enjoy everypony and Happy 2017.
Dedicated to Dianote as a birthday present. Happy birthday my friend. Hope it was a good one for you.

Source Art
My Past:NOT Today (Johan ver.) ~Rainbow Dragon
Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
darkness, evil persona, jehu, jesse anderon, johan anderson, shadow, villain, yu-gi-oh gx
7 votes thumb
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