Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Cosmic Sunset is Cosmic

Cosmic Sunset is Cosmic
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Neon Shimmer is Original

| Stars | brush

Random Jehu: Discord, this is Photoshopped

Discord: Well of course it is....Brony....

: No...not...a...bro...yes...I..am...a Brony

Discord: Aha You admit it! Yes *does Victory dance*

Pinkie Pie: Hi there Otakus, I'm Pinkie Pie speaking through a random bit of text typed in a description box of a wallpaper. How is everypony doing? Are you ready to PARTAY!? *fires party cannon*

Discord: Pinkie, your actions are admirable but I think these fine folks are just here to view a wallpaper made by a pegasister. Let's go home. *they all go through portal to Equestria and drags Jehu with em*


Sorry for the...um...randomness everypony...well you see it is late at night when I am typing this wallpaper description and yeah...my brain has been a little wacko lately. But anyway back to regularish wallpaper description thing.

Wallpaper features Neon Unicorn Sunset Shimmer. Yes I have been a bit obsessed with Sunset SHimmer *cough Rainbow Rocks cough* seriously though that movie was pretty good...but yeah Sunset Shimmer might be best Equestria Girl but that's my opinion. Anyway yeah...wallpaper for awesome pony.

Description part: Sunset background blended with slight bokeh and brush mixed with a gradient for more dramatic effect. Of course there's stars too. And Sunset Shimmer. Really like how this turned out. And that is pretty much how I made this wallpaper. And of course it was Photoshopped but everypony knows that. Lol.

All joking aside hope everypony enjoys the wallpaper. Been a bit since my last one. So here you go.
And dedicated to SmallxLady cause I can.

My Little Pony Wallpapers
bokeh, my little pony, shiny, sky, stars, sun, sunset, sunset shimmer, trees, unicorn
8 votes thumb
6 members Favoritefavorite
nikkeh09 misachan83 Snowzi SmallxLady XxArrancarFanxX
Member Dedication
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