Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) "Godfather" of Games

"Godfather" of Games
1920x1080 | 1366x768

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Original Joey is Original

Background Joey | other joey image | yellow bokeh

*can't remember where I found backgrounds

I did a Photoshop
(yeah it's been awhile)

It has been like since forever since my last wallpaper. I'm sorry I have been busy and life has kind of gotten in the way. But I finally sat down and made a wallpaper. So...yay.

Well to be honest I have been spending some time rewatching the Original Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters (in Japanese with English subs) and I guess I rediscovered my love for Joey all over again. I realized why I loved his character. I loved him because he was stubborn, stood up for what he believed in despite people like Kaiba telling him otherwise, and he was always my favorite duelist because he was unpredictable. He managed to overcome Marik's dark magic from the Shadow Game. I could probably spend hours talking about how great I think Joey is but for the sake of time I think I've said enough.

So yeah I took the time to make a small wallpaper tribute to Joey Wheeler aka Jounouchi Katsuya. His new character render is in the foreground with a few screenshots from the show blended with a city background I can't remember where I found with a yellow bokeh. That makes up this Joey wallpaper. rnrnHope everybody enjoys this wallpaper. Again sorry it has been awhile. Dedicated to Snowzi as a Late birthday thing. Hope you had a good birthday friend.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
bokeh, card, city, duelist, joey, joey wheeler, jounouchi katsuya, lights, serenity wheeler, stars, yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh! duel monsters
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