Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Bracelet Shipping

Bracelet Shipping
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Serena x Yuzu is Original

City | texture | bokeh | brush


creative title not so creative....yeah I suck at titles.

Well this is my first wallpaper in well.....forever.....so...yeah....

Yeah I know it has been quite awhile since I last made a wallpaper. To tell you the truth I kind of lost access to my Photoshop so I had to redownload it and at least a few of the resources I used to use so I could get back up and operating again. My wallpapers probably won't be as frequent as they used to but I will try to put one up once in awhile. So yeah I am kind of back open for business for making and uploading wallpapers.

I decided to make a wallpaper featuring my favorite ARC-V shipping, Yuzu x Serena. I love these two together. While their chances of being an actual couple in the cannon show are probably zero, I still adore them to pieces. Hell, I love all the bracelet girls. I guess I could consider them my anime waifus in a sense...so...yeah...anyway....

Background is a blend of a city image I found along with a vintage texture, bokeh, and of course my go to shiny brushes. And of course Serena and Yuzu. Yep that is pretty much what makes up this wallpaper. I probably will do a more involved wallpaper of something at a later date when I feel inspired more. Sorry I am a little rusty as I haven't made a wallpaper for quite awhile.

Anyway hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
bokeh, bracelet girls, bracelet shipping, city, serena, shiny, yu-gi-oh arc-v, yuzu, yuzu hiragi
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nikkeh09 allycat2090 LunaInverse Snowzi XxArrancarFanxX ElementalNinja Darkarax moonlit dream misachan83
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