Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Does NOT define Me

Does NOT define Me
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Original Yubel is Original (I couldn't believe I actually found this scan when I needed it)

Original Johan is Original + background Yubel Johan

Background Yubel | vintage | brush

*city photograph taken by me

EDIT/UPDATE: I could not believe THIS existed. Found after making this wallpaper, well not literally after but....yeah....YAAY

Lyrics from this song

Photoshopped in Photoshop CS6! PARTY!


Well....um.....where do I begin with this one? Except the difficulty level of this wallpaper ended up being way over 9,000! Mostly due to lack of actual scans of Yu-Gi-Oh GX. But I did find an actual kinda cool scan of Yubel which I ended up using in this wallpaper. And a vector of Yubel Johan that I wasn't planning on using but ended up using anyway. So yeah....oh yeah. Actual wallpaper descirption. *AHEM* *clears throat*

The series I ended up choosing to represent was Yu-Gi-Oh GX. The character I really love is Johan and the character I don't really hate but don't really care for is um well...Yubel. To be honest I don't really hate Yubel but I don't really care for her either. Well I shall explain why.

The reason I don't really care for Yubel is just the way she was introduced into the series with really no explanation. She was over obsessed with Judai who clearly didn't remember her from when he was a child. Plus she is the cause of all the bad things happening in season 3 and hurts Judai's friends, possesses Johan (but Yubel Johan was kind of hot tho, just saying), but for real though I just didn't really care for her character that much due to overpossessiveness, weak villain role, psychologically torturing Judai, so yeah that's why I don't really like her that much. But Judai forgave her in the end and fused his soul with her so yeah. I got theories about that too. I shall save those for another time.........

My second character that I actually love a lot is Johan. I can't explain why I like him so much. I just like him, I guess he is someone that I could see myself being friends with him in real life. He's kind of shy at first but yet as you get to know him he is friendly, loyal to his friends and his cards, he's a true duelist like Joey, doesn't take kindly to anyone hurting his friends or his Crystal beasts. Well there are plenty of reasons I love him. Whenever I watch something new like an anime, movie, etc. I will automatically compare characters to him. Yeah I know it is weird but sometimes I don't even know I do it. So yeah that's why I like Johan.


The process for creating this wallpaper was to say the least....a doozy. The reason it was a doozy was again the difficulty level of finding actual usable scans of Yubel. So I got kind of lucky there after a couple google image searches.

Then of course I found a vector of Johan that ended up working. The background ended up being kind of this transition thing from Yubel on the right to Johan on the left. Kind of a light and dark thing. Yubel didn't like Johan and I wanted show that kind of I guess. The funny part was I actually wasn't going to put Yubel Johan in there and he ended up in there anyway. So this is one of the hardest wallpapers I feel like I've done this year.

And it kind of ended up being a continuation of this wallpaper I made awhile back too.

Please enjoy the wallpaper everyone. This one kind of ended up having some personal meaning to me for some reason.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
city, darkness, demon, duelist, johan anderson, stripes, yu-gi-oh gx, yubel, yubel johan
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