megan17 (Wallpaper Portfolio) Hikari no Yami

Hikari no Yami
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"Once upon a time, many years ago, there was a little princess, and she was very sad, for her mother and father had died. Before the princess appeared a traveling prince, riding upon a white horse. He had a regal bearing and a kind smile. The prince wrapped the princess in a rose-scented embrace and gently wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Little one," he said, "who bears up alone in such deep sorrow, never lose that strength or nobility, even when you grow up. I give you this to remember this day. We will meet again. This ring will lead you to me one day." Perhaps the ring the prince gave her was an engagement ring.
This was all well and good, but so impressed was she by him that the princess vowed to become a prince herself one day. But was that really such a good idea?"

I really hate Akio, because he is a manipulativ, ambisexual bastard, who was once upon the prince. Himemiya sacrificed herself for Akio and he accepted this. He didn't do anything and Himemiya suffer forever. He used her and other peaple as a subject. Moreover he abased Utena. She never become a prince (who can save Himemiya), because she is a girl. He didn't even realize what is the real revolution.

I like Utena, because she has got noble soul and she want to change. Not the world, she want save Himemiya, because she need her.

That is why I chose them for this challenge. I used GIMP as usually. This is the main picture in backgroud and used a fanart.
I wanted to pink and white colors are dominates in this image. They are Utena's colors.

I hope you like this wallpaper.

Revolutionary Girl Utena Wallpapers
Akio Ohtori, revolutionary, utena, Utena Tenjou
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