Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) very Best friends

very Best friends
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Main images: Screenshot #one two group

texture | frames 1/2 | brush

Background images: TOO MANY TO LINK

Lyrics taken from this (yes it's the MLP: FiM full theme. What? It seemed to fit.)

Anyway this was shopped. tOOK a few hours to shop this together.


I just finished watching Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Monsters all the way through for the first time in years. Actually this was my first time watching all 224 episodes in a row (no not all at once mind you but over the course of a few months watching them off and on). I started watching this series a few months ago and just NOW finished watching all the episodes. Of course I had college to deal with too. So yeah. I enjoyed watching all these episodes. It really felt like I went on the journeys with them. I feel like Tea, Tristan, Joey, and Yugi are my friends too. I grew up with them pretty much.

Anyway this is my wallpaper tribute to the original series of Yu-Gi-Oh. I have many great memories watching this on Saturday mornings when I was a kid. I always looked forward to seeing Yugi and his friends duel. It was such an exciting show. It was even better the second time around because I understood the feelings behind the characters and everything just seemed like it meant that much more. And Ryou Bakura was such a sweetie. Sorry it had to be said. And Yami Bakura is best villain. He even beats Jafar in my book. Yeah I’m rambling. I tend to do that when I feel passionate about something. I have loved Yu-Gi-Oh for the past several years, since elementary school and it probably won’t change anytime soon.

For the wallpaper I thought it would be neat to do a collage of some screenshots/images of Yugi and his friends. Of course, finding decent quality images was very difficult but I think I managed to make it all work. After about 3 hours work I managed to put this wallpaper together.

The process was long and lengthy, especially when it has been quite a while since I’ve made a wallpaper. Overall I’m happy with how it turned out. I did my best to use the best quality images for the main images.
Well I hope everypony enjoys my wallpaper tribute to the series of Yu-Gi-Oh.

Dedicated to all my wonderful friends on theO.


Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
anzu mazaki, atem, bakura, characters, duke devilin, friends, friendship, ishizu ishtar, joey wheeler, jounouchi katsuya, mai valentine, marik ishtar, odion, otogi, picture frames, pictures, seto kaiba, tea gardner, tribute, tristan taylor, vintage, yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh duel monsters, yugi mutou, yugi's grandpa
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