Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) ENTER! the Blue Angel....

ENTER! the Blue Angel....
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Blue Angel is Original + Zaizen Aoi

Texture | space | brush

Couldn't find other space texture.

Photoshopped in the VRains....


My 2nd YGO VRains wallpaper, this time featuring the female lead, Aoi Zaizen as her avatar, Blue Angel.

What I've seen of Blue Angel herself, she's very energetic, extroverted, and apparently a star in the VRains world. She must have remarkable dueling skill (which I hope we get to see in the next few episodes). And she seems to be kind of like a magical girl/fairy sort of. As for Aoi herself, she seems to be kind of shrouded in mystery so it should be interesting when her and Yusaku interact in the real world (well their real world anyway haha).

I felt that a wallpaper of Blue Angel needed to be made, to introduce her and to add to the VRains wallpapers on theOtaku. I actually had fun with this one.

Started out with kind of a custom background which I just painted with photoshop brushes. Then started adding textures, space, and stuff. Somehow ended up "merging" the render of Aoi and Blue angel to hint at they are the same person, which they are. Then used the same Blue Angel render in the forground as the main focus. Then of course more space cause more space.

So there you have it, my first wallpaper featuring Aoi Zaizen as the Blue Angel. I hope everypony enjoys the wallpaper. More to come soon, I hope if I don't get too busy with college.

Dedicated to Darkarax who dedicated a really badass VRains wallpaper to me.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
aoi zaizen, avatar, blue angel, card, duelist, magic, magical girl, school uniform, shiny, space, stars, wings, yu-gi-oh! vrains, zaizen aoi
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