Submission for the Surprise Surprise challenge!
I generally hate fan service. It does nothing for me. I like a solid story line and generally watch a lot of anime that involve crime and murder mysteries - so when a friend recommended I watch Free I googled it and wasnt impressed. Its an anime about swimming. Wow. Sounds fascinating... no really... Yeah sure I'll add it to my long list of things to watch... right at the bottom...
Fast forward several years later and for whatever reason I FINALLY found myself watching it and expecting to get absolutely nothing out of it.
Turns out I freaking LOVED IT. Oh dear god I feel like a teenage girl again XD
For an anime about sport (which is one of my least favourite things ever) it is a surprisingly good series.
Left the background the same as the original scan because it seemed to work well, keeping the guys in focus and the background out of focus. I like it that way.
Dedicated to Arra-chan for being one of the many people to encourage me to fangirl my little heart out <3
Original scan I really enjoyed vectoring this. Just look at them! XD I regret nothing!