Original Sunset Shimmer is Original + Pony ver.
Background cutie mark with wings
Lyrics from this SONG
PHOTOshopped magic
Long time no wallpaper. I'm sorry I have been very busy with...well life and haven't had much time to make wallpapers as much as I used to. Well here's a little something I made featuring my favorite MLP character, Sunset Shimmer.
When I started working on this I had a specific idea in mind. And by the time I got done, it looked nothing like I originally imagined. I wanted to do something like with an Alicorn Sunset but ended up with kind of a current version of Sunset as human and Pony.
To sum this wallpaper making process in a nutshell, lots of blending different images together, only to have it look different than what you originally planned but then you just go with it. Lots of textures and stuff used in this. Overall spent a few hours putting this together. And of course there's a bokeh too.
So here is a wallpaper of Sunset Shimmer. More wallpapers to come soon.
I hope everypony enjoys the wallpaper. Dedicated to SmallxLady, one of my dear friends on here.