Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Getting Stronger

Getting Stronger
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Renders:Yusaku | Playmaker

~Can't remember where I found other Yusaku render. Lost link

Texture | brush

Title from this song


It has been awhile since I last uploaded anything. To be honest, I just started back to school and have been dealing with a lot of real life issues.

I made a wallpaper featuring Yusaku from Yu-Gi-Oh! VRains. I really like Yusaku and I feel like he is the first protagonist (besides Judai) that I feel like I can relate to. He's cool, serious, calm, and very mature for his age. He acts more like an adult than a teenager. He is a very focused individual with a goal of reclaiming his past memories. Also Playmaker, his avatar is badass as hell too. Just saying, he's one awesome character.

I initially started out with kind of a split screen idea, well the split screen is there. What inspired this was anime split screens. I wanted to try to create a theme of civilian Yusaku and Playmaker in VRains, the idea that he lived two different lives, yet Playmaker and Yusaku are one in the same. Does that make sense?

The overall theme of this wallpaper is getting stronger. I made this to represent overcoming struggles, and coming out stronger the other side. Yusaku was the perfect character to represent this theme in my mind.

I spent quite awhile putting this together, trying to make sure everything looked as good as it could. I like making wallpapers featuring awesome characters such as Yusaku, now to make a wallpaper featuring Ema/Ghostgirl....

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper. Sorry it has been awhile, as mentioned before I will be busy with fall semester starting back up.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
cards, city, data storm, duelist, playmaker, yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh! vrains, yusaku, yusaku fujiki
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