Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Chant of Immortality

Chant of Immortality
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Strelitzia images: 1 | 2

Clouds | stars | brush

Lyrics from this Song~(Chant of Immortality~4everfreeBrony)


Long time, no wallpaper. It has been awhile since I made a wallpaper. I've been busy with college and projects, I haven't had time for creative pursuits.

This wallpaper features a character named Strelitzia, she is a character that was featured in the Kingdom Hearts mobile game, Union Cross. She was to be one of the 5 featured leaders of the Dandilions until she was mysteriously murdered. Her appearance was brief from what I understand.

What I do know about her character is she watched the player character in Unchained Key/Union Cross from afar and wanted to befriend them. She was too shy to do so, regardless she considered them to be a dear friend and watched over the player character like an angel. One night she was ambushed by a mysterious figure and her and Chirithy were murdered, she is last seen walking into the light.

Personality wise she seemed to be shy, kind, and determined. Appearance wise, she reminded me of Asuna from Sword Art Online.

------------------TECHNICAL NOTES-----

Finding good images of her was difficult. I did find a few that were usuable and that fit the theme I had in mind. Even though I didn't know her character well, since I am a fan of the Kingdom Hearts series at large, it seemed fitting that I make a wallpaper tribute for her.

Lots of sky images were used to create the background. I had more of daylight theme in mind but night seemed to be more fitting. Plus I love using starry night sky images as textures any chance I get. So that's what I did, the lyrics are from a song I've been obsessed with and seemed to fit her well.

I enjoyed making this wallpaper. I hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper. Dedicated to Clue as a late birthday present.

Kingdom Hearts Wallpapers
angel, clouds, kh, kingdom hearts, lyrics, sky, stars, strelitzia, union cross, wings
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