Darkarax (Wallpaper Portfolio) The Search Is Over

The Search Is Over
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Song: The Search Is Over by Survivor

This wallpaper is sort of a tribute to an old and rather obscure yuri manga called Whispered Words. It's a series that's been around for about ten or eleven years, and it's a yuri series that I've wanted to read for a pretty long time. Well a few days ago I discovered that I could get all three omnibus volumes of the series online fore a fairly reasonable price and proceeded to order them. Appropriately enough, the manga arrived literally on my doorstep on Valentine's Day. Anyway, Whispered Words ended up being a very good manga. It's a shame that not many people seem to know about it, as far as I know.

So I decided to do this little wallpaper as sort of a tribute to the series. The result presented here ended up being a real challenge. One of the hardest parts was colorizing the original image that I managed to find. It took me most of last night and all of this afternoon to finish that task. I like to think I did a good job. Figuring out the background and textures wasn't much easier.

Incidentally, the song I chose for this wallpaper is one of my favorite songs by the band, Survivor. I've wanted to put that song to a wallpaper for quite a long time now, and it's actually a fairly appropriate song I think for this manga's two star characters. I mean a couple of lyrics would have to be changed for the song to be a totally perfect fit, but I think it still works. Enjoy.

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
Darkarax, Sasameki Koto, Survivor, Whispered Words, yuri
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