Darkarax (Wallpaper Portfolio) A.L.I.C.E.

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Just something I whipped up in the last couple of hours due to having some writer's block with a fanfic I've recently gotten back to work on. I confess I'm still only part of the way into the most recent season of SAO, but when I ran across this scan of Alice I just had to use it for something now. Have to say though, not too crazy about this current story arc of the series. I mean it is super dark! I'm not going to drop any spoilers here for those who still haven't seen it yet, but this little government project that poor Kirito got himself tangled up in is just super unethical on so many levels! Of course when I heard the term, Soul Translator I knew we'd be seeing a scientific experiment that crosses a line mankind was not meant to cross.

It is kind of interesting though. The battles have been pretty cool of course, and the fact that time in that game world flows several times faster than time in the real world makes this season seem like the SAO version of the Star Trek TNG episode, "The Inner Light". I mean a tiny part of me still expects Kirito to come out of this thing being able to play the flute (those familiar with the TNG episode I mentioned know what I'm talking about). Of course the extremely unethical project behind this whole thing also brings to mind topics covered in the Star Trek TNG episode, "The Measure of a Man". Anyway, I'm pretty pleased with how this wallpaper turned out. Enjoy.

Sword Art Online Wallpapers
Alice Zuberg, Darkarax, Sword Art Online
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Rainbow Dragon XxArrancarFanxX
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