1. Dev-chan does not have a YouTube account
2. Dev-chan must contribute to theOtaku community with her presence.
3. Dev-chan has a large project that shall help Otaku until the end of time. YAY FOR THIRD PERSON~! ♥
I'm totally going to watch Pandora Hearts now. I'm currently making a wallpaper with Oz on it. I love this kid--and this so called Gil HE CAN TOTALLY HAVE MY BABIES, XD
I really didn't get much progress done with said project yesterday, but I did get a new character finished~! (And only 24775 to go, XD)
Shall I work on le project? No. OH HECK YES.
While I'm gone, fangirling about DRRR! enjoy the following videos:
Sorry about that...^-^;;; My project has taken my internet life away. Progress: 90% complete. I'm going to try and complete it today, and then, I'll have my internet life back, XD
So...Let's start this week off on the right foot, eh?
How about with one of my favorite characters, Izaya?!