A new beginning!

Ok, well, so far I have been staying in a new home with five other ppl. I just moved in with them two days ago. Lets see now there is Milo(boy), Joe(boy), Carlos(boy), Dee(girl), and Nikki(girl). THen theres me. I share a room with Joe, Milo, and Nikki. So far, I am staying free, but I must find a job soon and we are also looking for a new house because this one is not suitable with an unworking kitchen sink, caved in roof in the back bedroom, one bathroom for six ppl, and a very small room for four ppl to stay in. I have to share a bed with Joe. I got rather cold my first night there. Currently I am sharing clothes with another girl until I can get back to my mum's house to get my other things. So, far things are pretty messed up, but we do have pretty good fun. We play cards and watch tv late at night and such. We try to keep things in the house pretty warm cuz it is getting mighty cold at night and in the early morning. I get kinda cramped and bitchy at night mostly cuz I don't have my meds for my intenstinal issue and I get real icky bout that since I don't like spending most of my time in the restroom.

I am having fun and I do like doing things with these ppl like walks and going to the park. I don't really like all the smoking and crud, but Im dealing. Plus there is much lack in food witch sucks. I am starving right now with no money and not very much food which my stomache isn't liking despite how farely used to not eating breakfast and lunch it is, but me eating dinner is risky since these jokers fry every thing and eat the most unhealthiest of food.

Well, thats it. I wanna go back to talking to ppl in the chatroom, so seeya peeps laters!

~*~*~*~ Miera ~*~*~*~

I posted a picture that fits me! The one in my background I shall try to post, but I gotta get it out of the bmp format and into jpg.
