Oh im glade! i would be in jazz band (lubs jazzy music) but i have to wait till next year T-T! o well this year is just about done! i lub gothic rock too! mostly ozzy osborne and bat for lashes!
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/05/09 | Reply
Well, I like many kinds of music actually...XD It's pretty weird actually - I LOVE to listen to, and sing, Gothic Rock (Within Temptation WOOT! LOLXD), sometimes I also listen to pop songs and ballads, I play jazz and funk on the (soprano) saxophone, and when I play the piano (Yup, I play that too!^_^) I play pop songs and Gothic Rock...X3
No you didn't tell me you play the trombone and you're in marching band!XD I'm in a jazzband, in fact I've just come back from a performance...XD Which went pretty well fortunately:3
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/10/09 | Reply
wow some people who agree!!! i think that music can heal this broken world of war and hate...
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/05/09 | Reply
Oh im glade! i would be in jazz band (lubs jazzy music) but i have to wait till next year T-T! o well this year is just about done! i lub gothic rock too! mostly ozzy osborne and bat for lashes!SaxGirl
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/05/09 | Reply
Well, I like many kinds of music actually...XD It's pretty weird actually - I LOVE to listen to, and sing, Gothic Rock (
LOLXD), sometimes I also listen to pop songs and ballads, I play jazz and funk on the (soprano
) saxophone, and when I play the piano (Yup, I play that too!^_^) I play pop songs and Gothic Rock...X3
Within Temptation WOOT!No you didn't tell me you play the trombone and you're in marching band!XD I'm in a jazzband, in fact I've just come back from a performance...XD Which went pretty well fortunately:3
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/05/09 | Reply
WOOO!^_^so wut kinda music ya like? did i tell u i play the trombone and im in marching band?SaxGirl
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/05/09 | Reply
Haha, we shall, but in a peaceful and musical way:3 LOL
Most people call me Sax-chan, but you can call me sa-chan if you want toXD I don't care:P
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/04/09 | Reply
yayyyyy! my fiirst follower! and together we shall rule man kind! MWAHAWHAW! lol jk! yayyyy us called me moon-chan! can i call u sa-chan?
Last edited by XxBlOoDyMoOnxX at 10:11:42 PM EDT on April 4, 2009.
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/04/09 | Reply
I agree, Make Music Not War!
Take care Moon-chan^^