Here we go again

Well, first I need to spam people who are reading this about my new series...
Yeah, I decided to try a Germany/America one-shot/drabble series, called When the Doves Cry. Too much fun that is. But, besides that, nothing noticeable.

Well, for the ones I posted, I did one for fanfic_bakeoff on LJ, and I did a few more... Two had the "What-If" scenario, playing on AU and genderbends. :P What fun it was writing something with fem!Germany. I had a few more weirder ones...with Italy I believe...*forgets*

Been writing too much crack pairings. *staring at the America/Italy fic* Also been reading way too much crack pairings. *rereading a South Italy/America fic* So...let's go to the personal part!