Here we go again

Got sick recently...blame my mother and tease my dad even more by saying I need to spend quality time with him. I also (finally) decided to revamp some I'll be editing every single thing within the week (meaning today till next Thursday).

Well, the worlds won't change...except for design.

Abyss Life (YOU ARE HERE): This is for random posts by me. Also an update place.
WIPs~!: Used to post WIPs that I haven't finished yet. May be posting in there a lot for the next day or week. Can't see unless I subbed you~! XD
My fanfictions: Should be self-explanatory. Probably will have many posts and edits within the week.
Trades: This is a place to request ffs, artwork (o.O) or to request a trade of fics/art pieces.
Katalia and the World: For a certain OC me and my friends created. Probably won't be updated except for design and text color...

I probably will go through my sub list again, and remove majority or a huge amount of them. ^^ There's no point in having most of them...

Might upload a few art pieces that I probably have in here...somewhere...

YUP~! Enjoy this read~! XD