A couple months ago I asked for all your help to suggest new categories to add to theOtaku.com...thanks to those contributions we've added over FIFTY today, but it's only the beginning. I hope to have more intelligent systems in place in the future to make adding new categories easier and more seamless.
I'm still thinking about how to handle news. Ideally it'll be something lite, rapid-fire, fun, unique, and where everyone can contribute. I'm wondering if we should tie it into WORLDS at all, but that might make things overly complex.
Ichigo commented some time ago that theOtaku needs a "home base" where people can comment, which I strongly agree with.
We also needs a members portal, a WORLDS portal, a moderation system, a favorites portal, and to improve like 100 other things :-)
Most of the areas I spend the most time on are crucially important but that no one gets to appreciate. That sucks.
I'm SO jealous that Sakura Con seems to be THE place to be this year.
Batou is a cool guy and worthy of the fan club WORLD, from my time with him at AX last year.
My time away was good for me. I had no internet or cell phone access whatsoever for over 48 hours. I was hoping the site didn't die. I took snowboarding lessons and my body is completely bruised.
Today I made about 85% of theOtaku backwards compatible which was crucially important, since a lot of people still link to old pages on theOtaku.
It's a long journey with many small steps to go...
I'm recovering/working from my parents' house and will be here until I feel well enough to return to the hustle and bustle of NYC.
How has speed been for you yesterday and today? Much better or the same?
I'm out of town tomorrow, going to Vermont for mountain air. I hope there are no Otakulypses in the meantime.
I'm really missing news. We've begun formulating a strategy to revive it, Vibrant style.
Lots and lots and lots left to do, many more surprises in store, but I think most of the major bugs are out of the way and squashed.
Wow, over 1,000 people have been given 'guest poster' status. Who knew this would be such a big feature?
With guest posting, we've run into an issue though, which Ichigo first brought up.
If I make a WORLD and SomeGuy posts to it, then how should we handle the update?
- Option #1: Only people subscribed to me see the update because I made the WORLD
- Option #2: Only people subscribed to SomeGuy see the update because they like what SomeGuy writes
- Option #3: People subscribed to both of us see the update - but if you're subscribed to both of us then you'll see that same update appear twice on your list, as coming from two different member names which might become confusing
- Option #4: We let you subscribe to WORLDS and show WORLDS updates, but if we do that, then do we stop showing WORLD updates for members?
What do you think? I'm leaning toward allowing WORLD favoriting and we can link people's favorite WORLDS in their portfolios too.
UPDATE: I've implemented option #1 for the time being.