Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

Hi Friends

I'm not dead, you can call off the search party.

I recently moved apartments, so have almost no Internet access and won't until next Saturday.

Meanwhile, we ordered a new server and are in the slow process of migrating theOtaku to it. This will save a LOT of money in costs and will probably make the site faster, too.

Most important: My game is almost done :).

Thanks Ya'all

...For all the bday wishes. I hope you didn't forget to wish my boy James a happy bday as well (we share the same day, month, and year).

I hope you take part in the NYAF mascot contest. It's the third year they're letting us partner with them and we want to keep the tradition going :).

(Are there any anime original art contests in the US as big as this one?)

Absolutely Masterful

Ace has proven himself:

External Image

New Server Setup

Over the next 1-3 months we're going to be migrating the network to a new server setup

Basically, now, we have everything across 3 servers that are 2+ years old.

By leasing new servers, we'll be able to get the site to run faster on only two machines. Which also means we'll save money too. :)

As many of you know I have a lot of debt to pay off. I've become obsessive about cutting costs to make up for it.

Infinite Loop Dreams

First I'm sorry about all the downtime weirdness today, I'm going to have to investigate it a bit.

I had the *strangest* dream last night.

I was stuck in an infinite loop. While in my dream, I *knew* I was dreaming and used that to basically just do whatever I wanted. I flew around, I threw fireballs out of my hands, I created people to hang out with

Then eventually I'd decide to wake up...and I did wake up, except I wasn't *really* awake, I was still in the dream

After a while I'd realize this and try to wake up again, and I'd wake up and be like "Finally, I'm awake. I know I'm not dreaming now." Then, I'd realize shortly after that I wasn't awake, I was still dreaming. This happened over and over again.

So it was one part a very great experience to be able to know you're dreaming and to have fun with it. On the other hand it was a bit creepy b/c I couldn't wake up.