Team | Posted 04/11/10 | Reply
Lucid dreams can be pretty cool. When I saw the title "Infinite Loop Dreams", though, I thought you'd had a nightmare about working for Steve Jobs!
Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
Ooo interesting. I've had dreams where I think I'm awake and I actually get ready in my dream and whatnot... and then I actually wake up. It's such a strange feeling.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
Man you lucky dog you. I agree with the user who bought up lucid dreaming. I used to wish I could do that so bad.
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
Not sure I've ever had that kind of dream before. Pretty freaky. o3o
The Beautiful German | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
Couldn't wake up....Maybe you were in a coma?
"This is Schweinsteiger fashion. ZIS IZ FASHUNN."
Pickle of the Year (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
Hah, I've had those dreams too.
Patchwork Rabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
Oh so that was just a random site problem? ^^U Good I thought my computer had crashed or something...
Weird but interesting dream ^^
DA FLUFF PUFF (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
O.O That is creepy. The only time I ever realise I'm in a dream is when I'm on holidays, and I dream I'm at school.
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good~
Team | Posted 04/11/10 | Reply
Lucid dreams can be pretty cool. When I saw the title "Infinite Loop Dreams", though, I thought you'd had a nightmare about working for Steve Jobs!
Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
Ooo interesting. I've had dreams where I think I'm awake and I actually get ready in my dream and whatnot... and then I actually wake up. It's such a strange feeling.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
Man you lucky dog you. I agree with the user who bought up lucid dreaming. I used to wish I could do that so bad.
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
Not sure I've ever had that kind of dream before. Pretty freaky. o3o
The Beautiful German | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
Couldn't wake up....Maybe you were in a coma?
"This is Schweinsteiger fashion. ZIS IZ FASHUNN."
The Beautiful German | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
Couldn't wake up....Maybe you were in a coma?
"This is Schweinsteiger fashion. ZIS IZ FASHUNN."
Pickle of the Year (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
Hah, I've had those dreams too.
Patchwork Rabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
Oh so that was just a random site problem? ^^U Good I thought my computer had crashed or something...
Weird but interesting dream ^^
DA FLUFF PUFF (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/10/10 | Reply
O.O That is creepy. The only time I ever realise I'm in a dream is when I'm on holidays, and I dream I'm at school.
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good~