Welcome, friends

"Courage and perseverance are important if one is to run anything resembling a news organization...the folks at theOtaku.com have demonstrated themselves to have ample quantities of both."
~ TCJ (The Comics Journal)

"A couple years of experience in the Otaku circle have taught me at least one good lesson--to trust Adam."
~ myO member

"Adam is actually a decently accomplished troll."
~ Allamorph

"The scale of Adam's cunning genius is truly frightening."
~ TimeChaser

My Mouse Is Gone

My computer mouse has disappeared, I don't know if someone stole it or if I misplaced it, both are possibilities. I can still manage with my laptop optical thing but it's hardly a proper replacement...

The cupcake game is pretty much done but I'm going to play with it a bit more to release it. Word of warning: It's MUCH harder than the first game but there's a "high score" element to it, so it's not just about winning, but achieving the highest score you can. If you do VERY well there's also a secret bonus ending. I won't spoil it, but I'll say that it features the Bossman cupcake.

This coming week will be a fun one for members, lots of good stuff coming.

Member Drama

Many of you noticed a popular member (Kohaku-Dono) lose all her subscribers--the reason wasn't because of a glitch with the site but because about 80-90% of her subscribers were fake accounts made by her to boost her subscriber account and I had to spend forever deleting them. She has a new account now but it's under heavy probation.

Moving forward we're going to have strict rules against any sort of stat inflation. Anyone that tries to directly inflate statistics to improve their position on the site will be banned without probation and all members who've helped will also be penalized. I'll formally do a write up in the FAQ but that's the rule moving forward. I don't mind losing 1 or 10 or 100 members in order to preserve fairness for everyone else.

Today I went hiking in the famous Stanley Park...beautiful!

A New Cupcake Game On The Horizon...

I could have spent the time tonight to finish the new feature I've been hinting at or to work on the premium service...or I could have done some business things, or I could have explored Vancouver more...but instead I worked on an epic new cupcake game

This game will have a twist: You PLAY as a brave cupcake, against insurmountable odds...coming soon.

The Sun'll Come Up

Today I went to a kickboxing class and tomorrow I'm climbing again...trying to stay busy and eat as much sushi as possible while I'm here

(I've had sushi almost every day so far, it's just so cheap, literally half the price of NYC and the quality is good, too.)

It's been a bit rainy, but no big deal. I don't mind staying indoors and working on great new features...

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The Good:

- I saw Will Wright give a lecture today. Will Wright is the creator of Sim City, The Sims, and the upcoming epic game: SPORE. You can tell just by spending time in the same room as him that he is a brilliant, brilliant dude. I was blown away.

- Mike and I completed a new feature that will go live very soon. People will love this.

- We've announced an OC contest with the NYAF. I hope lots of people submit mascots for this contest, as it'd be a huge deal to win.

- I explored a famous Chinese garden in the city today

The Bad:

- I LOVE sushi here in SomeGuy country, but I ate lunch in Chinatown and it was HORRIBLE. First of all the quality of the food was well, well below the worst place I can remember in NYC. The food was covered in oil, the chicken was the worst part of the chicken, and the soup dumplings didn't have soup in them! To add insult to injury the bill came out to $20, which is almost THREE TIMES what an amazing sushi bento box costs here. SomeGuy warned me about Chinatown, I should've listened...

The Ugly:

- I had to waste a significant amount of time today because of some members trying to game the site. I am not happy about it--a lot of the rules/processes here are based on trust--when people try to take advantage of that trust it will be dealt with severely.