I DEMAND that you post in the following format to appease me (since really, what else is there in life for everyone else?):
Funny joke (emphasis on joke and funny)
Strange metaphor describing what you ate for lunch that day
A joke involving elephants (and how elephants are funny looking with their funny looking looks)
A poem entitles "Ode to Kastom" (must be different every post)
And finally a witty conclusion describing your day
I hope that these guidelines will assist you in no longer making mistakes in your posts (what with their massive lack of poems featuring my greatness).
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
Second what Sage said- you're Adam. If you're NOT random, there would be cause for concern.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
Random posts are more fun. (my kitty agrees with me (she came over and started pounding on the keyboard))
Hits Self With Axe (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
Hey man, a random Adam's a happy Adam, from the looks of it, so I don't really mind.
Be true, be you and of course, be otaku.
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
Randomness is goodness.
kittens 3
The Stalker (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
Spiritus Memorae (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
Make less posts that subtly demand people comment with stuff like this.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
Whatever you want, Adam! It's your site AND your blog! :D
Sage of Magic
Moe Foxgirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
....you're ADAM. If the posts weren't random I think most of us would be concerned.
Mercury Dragon
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
Random Post is Random. And EPIC!!
Master of Kittehs (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
._. dude lololol
Otaku Princess | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
I DEMAND that you post in the following format to appease me (since really, what else is there in life for everyone else?):
I hope that these guidelines will assist you in no longer making mistakes in your posts (what with their massive lack of poems featuring my greatness).
I'd rather see in shades of gray.
Abundant Love (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
I think you should make more posts about how awesome I am.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
Random posts are the best, I say!
Besides this is your place after all, so post whatever you feel like ^_~
The crazy bubbly shadow
Miss Anonymous
Vagrant AI (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
"Remember! Bee yourself!" [/Genie]
Nyaa~ (ZE MEANIE) | Posted 12/07/09 | Reply
Isn't the idea of a blog to post what you want to vs what people want to see? It's not like it's the official updates after all. XD
Last edited by SunfallE at 3:42:20 AM EST on December 7, 2009.
In the name of the tune I will punish you!