It looked nice having the news on the first page. I do think we need four thumbnails for each section, unless you're trying to show a sections importance by having more thumbnails for it. I don't think that's necessary because of the Featured Fandom. I think the home page has lost its home-like feel because of its bright whiteness too :/ Though it does look cleaner and super organized.
Mistress Fan Fic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
I liked both the old and the new main pages. What I have heard people talk about are:
Online Status: They think it should be set up different. It is a pain to have to leave your back room just to see if a friend is on. Their should be an area in the back where their user name is highlighted to let you know if their on or not. Not the other notices either as of ‘on in the last 5 minutes’ and ‘who is in chat’. Go to the chat room to find that out.
Guest Posting: It needs to say who the guest poster is in the updates somehow. Not them putting it in the title or finding out once you get in the world.
Viewing and downloading of Wallpapers: They should be separated it is nice to know how many times your Wallpaper was downloaded. Views are cool too, but not everyone that views, downloads.
Subscribing to your own challenges: It is easier to track them.
The Stalker (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
I sorta like it, I dont like everything being letters.. Pictures are verr pretty, you know. :3 But they could be smaller, maybe? Or something that just lets it look.. less... grid-y and more.. smooth? sleek? I dunno.. >>;
Why dont you try the blogger style, with one thumbnail "Feature Fandom" for each category bordering the body of the page. Im pretty sure we all have a really good idea how to navigate the site to try and find the things we're interested in. It might look more streamlined that way. Keep the header designs and everything the same at the top, I like that.
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/09/10 | Reply
It looked nice having the news on the first page. I do think we need four thumbnails for each section, unless you're trying to show a sections importance by having more thumbnails for it. I don't think that's necessary because of the Featured Fandom. I think the home page has lost its home-like feel because of its bright whiteness too :/ Though it does look cleaner and super organized.
Zakuro Rose
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/09/10 | Reply
I miss the old blog style. It had a home-feel to it.
Mistress Fan Fic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
I liked both the old and the new main pages. What I have heard people talk about are:
Online Status: They think it should be set up different. It is a pain to have to leave your back room just to see if a friend is on. Their should be an area in the back where their user name is highlighted to let you know if their on or not. Not the other notices either as of ‘on in the last 5 minutes’ and ‘who is in chat’. Go to the chat room to find that out.
Guest Posting: It needs to say who the guest poster is in the updates somehow. Not them putting it in the title or finding out once you get in the world.
Viewing and downloading of Wallpapers: They should be separated it is nice to know how many times your Wallpaper was downloaded. Views are cool too, but not everyone that views, downloads.
Subscribing to your own challenges: It is easier to track them.
*Will update if I remember the others*
The Beautiful German | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
I miss the old layout.
"This is Schweinsteiger fashion. ZIS IZ FASHUNN."
kittens 3
The Stalker (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
I sorta like it, I dont like everything being letters.. Pictures are verr pretty, you know. :3 But they could be smaller, maybe? Or something that just lets it look.. less... grid-y and more.. smooth? sleek? I dunno.. >>;
Getaway Driver (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
Why dont you try the blogger style, with one thumbnail "Feature Fandom" for each category bordering the body of the page. Im pretty sure we all have a really good idea how to navigate the site to try and find the things we're interested in. It might look more streamlined that way. Keep the header designs and everything the same at the top, I like that.
Miss Anonymous
Vagrant AI (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
Master of Kittehs (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
i'm fine either or o-o; but that's just me
Pathetic Diabetic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
Yeah, I kinda miss the way it looked before VV... but, it's your decision, bossman. You do what you think is best for all of us. ^_^
And, then... I met you.
Pickle of the Year (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
I miss the old blog style too.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
I think the current format is ok, but if you don't like it, feelfree to make changes. It's your site, haha!
Senile Hipster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
I think you should bring fanwords back to the front page.