I personally think the column would be more interesting if the products themselves were unusual or somehow quite different from what we typically see in western countries.
But that's just my personal view. Either way, I think the concept is still a good idea.
Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss
I think that having a column in the site is a nice idea, just as long as it is a weekly column or a bi-weekly column instead of a daily column so that people won't lose interest in it. And heck, that gives the podcasters stuff to talk about.
As for the topic itself, it is a bit intriguing. As for useful products in Japan that I regularly use, the one product I can think of is the Orion's ruler. Unlike a lot of the rulers sold in my place, this Japan-made ruler is transparent and accurate in showing measurements of things. Also, I appreciate the fact that the marks in the ruler don't get erased easily.
kittens 3
The Stalker (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/11/11 | Reply
I like that idea. My family and I love collecting Japanese items, especially ones we can use.
Team | Posted 08/10/11 | Reply
I personally think the column would be more interesting if the products themselves were unusual or somehow quite different from what we typically see in western countries.
But that's just my personal view. Either way, I think the concept is still a good idea.
Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss
The Mask
Detective Mask (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/10/11 | Reply
I think that having a column in the site is a nice idea, just as long as it is a weekly column or a bi-weekly column instead of a daily column so that people won't lose interest in it. And heck, that gives the podcasters stuff to talk about.
As for the topic itself, it is a bit intriguing. As for useful products in Japan that I regularly use, the one product I can think of is the Orion's ruler. Unlike a lot of the rulers sold in my place, this Japan-made ruler is transparent and accurate in showing measurements of things. Also, I appreciate the fact that the marks in the ruler don't get erased easily.
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