Detective Mask (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/23/12 | Reply
The new feature is great. It saves me time from checking out what I had just posted. Thanks for adding it, Bossman.
"Students, be ambitious!"
Sarcastic Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/22/12 | Reply
Thanks for the new feature, Adam <3 It's awesome, saves a lot of effort for people with bad internet like me xD Thanks again and keep up the awesome work ^^
Laugh as much as you breathe, love as long as you live...
The Mask
Detective Mask (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/23/12 | Reply
The new feature is great. It saves me time from checking out what I had just posted. Thanks for adding it, Bossman.
"Students, be ambitious!"
Sarcastic Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/22/12 | Reply
Thanks for the new feature, Adam <3 It's awesome, saves a lot of effort for people with bad internet like me xD Thanks again and keep up the awesome work ^^
Laugh as much as you breathe, love as long as you live...