TheO is what everyone wanted it. A art based site. It's a gallery, an Art Museum. Which has a chat room. Comments have went down because of said chat room. Why comment when you can go in there and tell people what you want to say.
I have had more then 100 people tell me that's why they don't comment any more is because of the chat room. They do all their talking and commenting in there. Sure you have the small handful that go in chat and still comment, but the over all is what is killing the commenting in TheO. Not to mention.
The standers you want for comments...
Not everyone knows how to explain Art and what they like that the artist did. That's why most left simple comments of... WOW! ... I love it ... AWESOME! ... Very cool ... Nowadays in TheO commenting like that is frowned upon. So people back off from commenting because they don't want to get Flamed or looked down on because of it.
Given I don't get many comments, but the comments I do get are heart felt and the true words of the feelings, my work, gives the looker. I like my comments to be natural not forced. If a person struggles to explain how they feel or why they like an image it's not a meaningful comment.
That's my thoughts and experiences on this whole comment thing.
TimeChaser does make a good point. It just doesn't feel like the old comment slam without them. Makes me wonder where they are.
On another note, I suggest that this challenge be extended until 12:00am of January 1, 2013 EST. At this rate, it doesn't really look like we'll reach the target by 4:30pm EST.
Agent Ramen (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/12 | Reply
We have an hour left...but we will still do our best :) I agree with the comments below too
Have a good one
TheO Story
Otakuite+ | Posted 12/31/12 | Reply
TheO is what everyone wanted it. A art based site. It's a gallery, an Art Museum. Which has a chat room. Comments have went down because of said chat room. Why comment when you can go in there and tell people what you want to say.
I have had more then 100 people tell me that's why they don't comment any more is because of the chat room. They do all their talking and commenting in there. Sure you have the small handful that go in chat and still comment, but the over all is what is killing the commenting in TheO. Not to mention.
The standers you want for comments...
Not everyone knows how to explain Art and what they like that the artist did. That's why most left simple comments of... WOW! ... I love it ... AWESOME! ... Very cool ... Nowadays in TheO commenting like that is frowned upon. So people back off from commenting because they don't want to get Flamed or looked down on because of it.
Given I don't get many comments, but the comments I do get are heart felt and the true words of the feelings, my work, gives the looker. I like my comments to be natural not forced. If a person struggles to explain how they feel or why they like an image it's not a meaningful comment.
That's my thoughts and experiences on this whole comment thing.
The Mask
Detective Mask (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/12 | Reply
TimeChaser does make a good point. It just doesn't feel like the old comment slam without them. Makes me wonder where they are.
On another note, I suggest that this challenge be extended until 12:00am of January 1, 2013 EST. At this rate, it doesn't really look like we'll reach the target by 4:30pm EST.
"Students, be ambitious!"
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/12 | Reply
I hate to say it, but without the insanity of the old crew, I don't think you'll get the sheer avalanche of comments you need.
The Mask
Detective Mask (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/12 | Reply
So you're going to do something to inexplicably save the day?
"Students, be ambitious!"