I know what you are thinking... 'Oh no, not another post about yet another site.' But, in all honesty, I would not post about them if they were not useful.
The site in question this time is peopleperhour.com.
What is it, you ask? Well, it is a site very similar to LinkedIn.com and SkillPages.com in the fact that you can set up a profile detailing your skills as well as look for any freelance work. However, the majority of work on this site is paid!
This site does have an interesting system though. It works on bidding. When a person advertises a job, they set a minimum wage that they are willing to pay and a maximum and people who are interested can bid on it like an auction, or an ebay item. You are given 10 bidding points when you join up with a standard account and should you wish to pay a membership fee, you are given more. These are then used to bid on each job you are interested in. If the project creator accepts your bid, you can then get down to business, arrange payment, etc.
Also, another thing this site does is allows you to pick a good number of things you are interested in which helps searches. However, please note that with a standard free account you only get 2 search categories and should you wish to be able to add more, you will have to pay for them or upgrade your account.
One more feature I really must mention is that they allow a portfolio. If you have any work to display, whether it's photography, art, or even written work, they will allow you to upload it and it is displayed on your profile page.
This is a good quality site with numerous opportunities for any freelancer out there. So get going and see what you can do!
SKILL PAGES (Click to visit)
Just like LinkedIn, Skill Pages is a handy tool for anyone who wants to give their career a little kick start, or a boost. You fill out your information, as well as your job history, education and so on, as well as listing your main 5 skills. When you have listed them, you can add details about what you have done with these skills. (IE: Previous jobs, or studies.)
This is obviously great to have on record for future employers to see, but the great thing about Skill Pages is that there are job opportunities posted and they are free to apply for. All you need to do is click on 'apply' and list why you think you would be a good candidate for the job, as well as choosing the skill page relevant to the application. (IE: You added 'Artist' as one of your skills, applied for an artist job and so therefore you list your Artist Skill Page.)
Why apply for jobs on there? Well, admittedly, some are unpaid positions, but these opportunities look great on your CV. And, let's face it, a resume boost is always a good thing and it shows that you are willing to work, even for free. Initiative is something very valuable to employers and it goes a long way.
Another good thing is, you do not need to be employed, as they accept students too! So join up and you never know... You could kick start your dream job sooner than you think.