And yeah, I've been hugging her randomly all day. My brain realizes, "She didn't die, she's just fine!" and then I just embrace her. She probably thinks I'm weird by now. //laughs
Awww. *hugs* That's great! I mean, it sucks she has that, but it is great that she has a new med and food and all to make her better. :) Nothing uncurable!!
I'm a veggie, dawg (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/12/11 | Reply
Cranberry juice is awesome, in fact I had a Facebook fight over it with my friend once...
"Cranberry juice sucks, orange juice is better, it has vitamin C."
"Vitamin C my ass, save yourself from some UTI's, girl."
haha.... and yes, tight pants can cause damage.
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 06/12/11 | Reply
Yeah, I'm glad for my good fortune with her. <3
And tomorrow? What's this 'tomorrow' you speak of? Is it a kind of Japanese cuisine? //shifty eyes
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 06/12/11 | Reply
//skips through a field of flowers
And yeah, I've been hugging her randomly all day. My brain realizes, "She didn't die, she's just fine!" and then I just embrace her. She probably thinks I'm weird by now. //laughs
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
Yeppers, much better. <3
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
Cranberry juice is awesome, my favorite is Cranberry Black Cherry juice. To me, that = my anti-drug.
And what about tight pants? ;___; That can cause damage?
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
Yeah, I'm so happy about it. I've been randomly hugging her all day, going, "You're still alive!1111" //sobsobsob
You'll figure it out. ;)
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
I know what the special day is(: Hopefully I can make something adequate for the occasion...
And I am so happy to hear that your dog will be alright! ^^ Please take care, I wish you and she the best of luck!
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
Awww. *hugs* That's great! I mean, it sucks she has that, but it is great that she has a new med and food and all to make her better. :) Nothing uncurable!!
Oooh, special day? I wonder what it is...
Take care~
I'm a veggie, dawg (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
Good she's back again :) UTI's sound horrid. I'm glad I drink cranberry juice and don't wear tight pants :P
Ser Pounce a Lot (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
Glad to know that you are feeling better now lol.
I may not be smart enough to do anything, but I am dumb enough to try anything. ;p
Hunter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/11 | Reply
I already know the reason for the special day. I think. AND I'VE ALREADY PREPARED A WEEK IN ADVANCE. HOHOHOHO.
Anyway, I'm glad to hear your dog is feeling better! That's so nice you're able to give her huggies now~ <3
"You won't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed."