Aww, poor thing! :( *hugs* I have neck problems all the time, and I know my pillow isn't good for me. It's so flat. >> How did you have your pillows? That really sucks. I would say go to a chiropractor, but I don't know if you have one. Dx In the mean time, I hope you have a heat pack you can warm up and put on your neck, that will relax it. And later you can put ice on it.
Sarcastic Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/28/11 | Reply
Great <3
Laugh as much as you breathe, love as long as you live...
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/28/11 | Reply
*takes magical tylenol* Thank you sooooo much :) And yeah, this pillow...I swear, no matter how you sleep on it, you wake up with a sore neck =w=
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 09/27/11 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
One pillow? D: //gives magical Tylenol
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 09/27/11 | Reply
//hands you my pillows
Here, take them all, valiant collector. They're completely evil.
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 09/27/11 | Reply
I didn't have any, but I found a hot/cold compress; so I'm feeling much better + good rest. :)
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 09/27/11 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
I found a good hot/cold compress; it helped a lot, thank you for the suggestion!
I feel much better, especially after some rest.
I had basically a huge pillow and one small pillow, and as I was sleeping, the big pillow practically bent my neck and ended up in a weird angle. e_o
Sorry about your neck, you deserve a medal for having neck pains frequently. ;_;
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/26/11 | Reply
I'm currently having the same problem TwT! Not from too many though, just from one evil pillow D:
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/26/11 | Reply
I collect pillows XD
Sarcastic Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/26/11 | Reply
I suggest anti-inflammatory cream owo
Laugh as much as you breathe, love as long as you live...
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 09/26/11 | Reply
Aww, poor thing! :( *hugs* I have neck problems all the time, and I know my pillow isn't good for me. It's so flat. >> How did you have your pillows? That really sucks. I would say go to a chiropractor, but I don't know if you have one. Dx In the mean time, I hope you have a heat pack you can warm up and put on your neck, that will relax it. And later you can put ice on it.
Feel better! Get your rest!!