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Over time, this place has become my sporadic, and very random blog 'thing'. I'm too much of a personal person to post about everything that happens in my real life, but my internet life is all here for you to check out. Let the randomness ensue.

Also in this world, I shall post:

Segments: Agree or Disagree?, Pet Peeves

Other Sites You'll Find Me: Tumblr, Minitokyo, DeviantART, LiveJournal (I don't visit this much), Blogspot (I visit this even less), Twitter (I joined this site over a year ago because of my infatuation with Tom Felton) Since my absence, Tom Hiddleston has become my life-ruiner. Don't understand it? Just research him and it'll happen to you too. That man is a Disney Prince, brought to life.

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Inconsideration Must be Infectious.

Seeing people suddenly bring out their colors and do something particularity inconsiderate or just damn right evil, always brings a smile to my face. I become curious as to what thoughts occupied their mind as they did their act of selfishness, and I'm completely taken by it. Perhaps I enjoy studying people at their worst, or I just like seeing abnormalities. Here's two perfect examples of this:

I traveled to the Cheesecake Factory with my brother to pick up an order we have placed; when we arrived, we waited for someone to arrive at the resister. She arrived, knew we had been waiting, and quickly attended to another customer. I was amazed until I realized why she'd done this; they people she had called on were better dressed, and so, she called on them first.

The next example is of pure selfishness---I was once again traveling with my brother, this time to the supermarket. As we were looking for a parking spot, we turned a corner, and found one. Finally! We were waiting for another car to pass by, and just as we're able to turn into the lane, a woman who'd just finished shopping took her empty cart and put it in the parking spot.

Now this would've been so bad, if she hadn't been staring right into our eyes as she did this. By this time, I just laughed, and mused about how 'karma gets everyone eventually', and moved on.

But honestly, what is wrong with people? I seriously have to take a course in human psychology to understand the thoughts (or lack thereof) it takes to do such things. Either way, that happened in one day; needless to say, I found it very interesting.

Has anything like that happened to you, if so, what's an example?
