I've been using my mother's computer, and holy banana peels, it's been terrible. It kept shutting off windows if I had them open, shutting off programs if I was typing, and assassinating GIMP files if I was working with them. And I've been mentally shouting at my mother, thinking: "GET SOME MORE MEMORY FOR THIS COMPUTER, IT'S SLOWER THAN ASS." but in reality going, "Hey mom, good afternoon."
But for the (glorious) moment, I've switched computers to a more efficient one.
I could cry, I'm so happy I can use Google Chrome again (GC is very taxing to the other computer, for some reason). //weeps
Firefox used to be the Holy Grail for me, but after I learned of the magic of Google Chrome, I've gotten spoiled by how amazing it is. Especially since I've taken to messing around with CSS. So, as I was using Firefox, and not having so many cool features, or just having to do more steps to do the same great things I used to be able to enjoy with Google Chrome, I just ended up going:

I can now post more because of this; mainly because typing up anything was just hell before. So no more quiet lurking for me. Kind of. Also I'm kind of sad because someone I knew here deleted their account from the looks of it. Meh, a lot of super!cool people tend to do that. I almost wish that TheOtaku didn't offer the option of doing such, but at the same time, I understand/respect it.

Have you ever known someone that was simply prone to having computer problems, every moment of their life?
I am that sad, sad, person.
My laptop had been messed up for years, my desktop computer is shot and being fixed after if refused to turn on, and everyone else’s computer that I’ve touched has either ended up with a malicious virus or a simply dies of a crappy hard drive----the second I touch it.
Now, every time I use a computer that isn’t mine, I can tell that people became wary. They instruct me ‘not to click suspicious links…’ and I just want to shout, “I already know! I spend more time on here than you do.” The thing is, it’s the most common and popular sites that I use that screws with my PC. DeviantArt has struck me a few times; I’ll get redirected to another site that tells me that I have to download anti-virus protection. Or I’ll be on GaiaOnline (which is like a bucket of computer diseases just waiting to happen) and shit just goes awry. It’s a scary world out there, viruses and dead computers are at every turn for me.
After counting, I’ve murdered at least 7 computers.
Yes, I’m that dangerous.
Fear me.