There was once a time where I was ignorant to the fact the American dubs suck horribly; then I started looking that the original subbed versions of anime like Yu-Gi-Oh and Death Note. Believe it or not, Yu-Gi-Oh is an excellent anime. Yes, I said it! The Japanese version of it didn’t have so many tedious, corny friendship references and the characters were little more realistic. Yugi in the very first episode of the show clarified his affections for Tea; and Seto Kaiba wasn’t a complete ass to everyone and wasn’t so ‘How dare you insult my multi-billion dollar company---I’m rich biatch!’ In fact, he actually had great philosophies and was a well-rounded character.
What is so wrong with America that they can’t portray believable and gut wrenching emotion when ever they dub something? I was watching Death Note, the dubbed version [I know, bad move---I’ll kill myself later.] The voices are all wrong! *Cries* Dude! Why does Light sound freaking happy? He’s creating a new world, not giving cookies to little children on Christmas!
And Mikami’s English voice when he goes totally insane with the word ‘Delete’, it sounded so hilarious! I began to wonder; is he writing down the names onto the paper, or raping himself? O_o
“Delete! Delete! Delete! DELETEEEEEEE!!!!!!!”
I simply believe that America should discontinue dubbing anime altogether, that is, unless they can start doing it right. I only like a select few dubs; Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Neon Genesis Evangalion, Cowboy Bebop, and Wolf’s Rain It is my dream to turn on the television and watch the subbed version of my favorite anime on common channels. I mean, come on! How hard is it to read a couple of subtitles? No wonder this country is so laid back; everything is made so easy for its inhabitants.
But the worst dub I’ve ever witnessed with the 4-kids version of One Piece. I actually disliked One Piece because I thought that it was stupid, and overdone. But when I started watching the subbed version, it grew on me very quickly.
But hey, I heard FUNimation is planning on re-dubbing it; so maybe there is some hope left. XD
Naruto is not even getting a real mention because everyone knows that dub sucks too. [lol]