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Over time, this place has become my sporadic, and very random blog 'thing'. I'm too much of a personal person to post about everything that happens in my real life, but my internet life is all here for you to check out. Let the randomness ensue.

Also in this world, I shall post:

Segments: Agree or Disagree?, Pet Peeves

Other Sites You'll Find Me: Tumblr, Minitokyo, DeviantART, LiveJournal (I don't visit this much), Blogspot (I visit this even less), Twitter (I joined this site over a year ago because of my infatuation with Tom Felton) Since my absence, Tom Hiddleston has become my life-ruiner. Don't understand it? Just research him and it'll happen to you too. That man is a Disney Prince, brought to life.

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--> insert random crying/happy gif here

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  • Real life birthday = pretty cool, going the park/beach next week to celebrate/barbaque with family!

  • Online birthday = supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

You guys are amazing, I've never felt this loved in a while. So many gifts, dedications, and so many kind words. And my love of Death Note, sexy bandaged villains, and troubled, deliciously robed wizards- exposed!

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And Angel Zakuro made me two awesome icons,
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Overall, my birthday turned out great, and as mentioned before, the family is setting a date for next week to head over to a great park, where there might be fishing, barbaque, and great picture snapping. :) I got to spend some quality time with my mother, that meant the world to me, and both of my dogs showed me they loved me in their own special way.

Meaning: "No, don't eat those shoes! Noooooooo-"

And then I was just happy all day with all of the gifts yesterday. Thanks for all of the kind words, I feel so appreciated. :) I'll make sure to return the favor for your guys' birthdays as well.

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And not going to lie, blu, I'm totally looking at the Severus card with this expression-

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I'd totally creep out Alan Rickman in real life, wouldn't I?
