A bit of arrogance-

I. Am. Amazing.

Just sayin'.

Both mine and my mother's computers were infected with viruses (which look like security scans - ex. "System Tool" and "Security Essentials"), and usually my brother fixes all related computer issues I have - and I've never taken off a virus myself, until today. I needed to have the PC operating, but he was busy - so I kicked some viruses' ass. //gloat gloat

I fixed everything on Safe Mode (as Administrator) on my/my mother's PC; deleted all infected files, including the false security .exe files on my C: drive, and ran a thorough, full computer scan with Avast! Antivirus.

Those STD's viruses didn't even know what hit them.

Now, excuse me while I go use my Ego-Inflated raft to mosey down a path of Awesome.

//not really.

/// I'm just proud of myself.

EDIT: Son of a bitc--- what the hell? God damn it, Wikipedia! Stop molesting my computer with your virus-y self.

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That's the one that just did it. ;_____;

There's a great website, BleepingComputer (link), that give you detailed instructions on how to remove specific viruses from your computer. They include a great program to download, Malwarebyte's 'Anti-Malware', which totally kicked some virus butt a few moments ago. <3
