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Over time, this place has become my sporadic, and very random blog 'thing'. I'm too much of a personal person to post about everything that happens in my real life, but my internet life is all here for you to check out. Let the randomness ensue.

Also in this world, I shall post:

Segments: Agree or Disagree?, Pet Peeves

Other Sites You'll Find Me: Tumblr, Minitokyo, DeviantART, LiveJournal (I don't visit this much), Blogspot (I visit this even less), Twitter (I joined this site over a year ago because of my infatuation with Tom Felton) Since my absence, Tom Hiddleston has become my life-ruiner. Don't understand it? Just research him and it'll happen to you too. That man is a Disney Prince, brought to life.

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A bit of arrogance-

I. Am. Amazing.

Just sayin'.

Both mine and my mother's computers were infected with viruses (which look like security scans - ex. "System Tool" and "Security Essentials"), and usually my brother fixes all related computer issues I have - and I've never taken off a virus myself, until today. I needed to have the PC operating, but he was busy - so I kicked some viruses' ass. //gloat gloat

I fixed everything on Safe Mode (as Administrator) on my/my mother's PC; deleted all infected files, including the false security .exe files on my C: drive, and ran a thorough, full computer scan with Avast! Antivirus.

Those STD's viruses didn't even know what hit them.

Now, excuse me while I go use my Ego-Inflated raft to mosey down a path of Awesome.

//not really.

/// I'm just proud of myself.

EDIT: Son of a bitc--- what the hell? God damn it, Wikipedia! Stop molesting my computer with your virus-y self.

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That's the one that just did it. ;_____;

There's a great website, BleepingComputer (link), that give you detailed instructions on how to remove specific viruses from your computer. They include a great program to download, Malwarebyte's 'Anti-Malware', which totally kicked some virus butt a few moments ago. <3
