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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: OPEN
Commissions: OPEN

First Icon!! And update

KairiCat7 on DA had Icon requests because they wanted to test out some new bases for icons and I requested Sasuke. I am super excited that I actually got the icon. Sadly it's 50X50 so I can't use it here but I"m using it as my icon now on DA. Please do not take this icon. This Icon was made for my use only. Please respect that.

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On top of that I had orientation for college today. It was a long day I had to wait till 2pm in order to sign up for my classes. Wednesday's are my really long days. If you all would like me to put up my schedule for this fall semester let me know and I'll do it.

Sean for turned into a Page Doll!

Hyun-Sama had commissions for page dolls and I got a slot. I decided to give her a few choices and she picked Sean to turn into a page doll. He looks so adorable! I love it so much! ...

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Probably won't be on much

I probably won't be on much for the next few days or weeks. My step father died this morning.

Sean Monochrome!

I got another monochrome commission from Kureiya on DA and this time I got Sean! I really like how he turned out. ...

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What's Been Going On

So I just want to let everyone know why I haven't been as active recently on here. Like I haven't been updating my stories and what not. One of my co workers from Game Stop is in France with his family right now and I'm house sitting for him. So I...

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