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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: OPEN
Commissions: OPEN

What Ven looks like lineless

I switched of the line art on my Ven picture and I wanted to show you all how it looked with out the lines.

I think it looks kind of cool with out the lines minus the spots that you can tell where the lines were lol.

Lineless WIP

I'm trying to do a lineless art for once and I am doing it for my Gijinka Peter's evolution into a pidgeot. I figured out what I want him to look like for his mega before I decided on his final evolution look oTL

But I'm working on his final form first. I'm hoping to get this done today, but we'll see how long I can sit still and work on it. XD

Patrick Cosplay

So I've been thinking about doing a cosplay of my gijinka Patrick. I'm doing his more recent out fit that I made for him that I still need to make a full body picture of him alone because the other outfit that I have him in just no I don't have ti...

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Still Thinking About it

So puppy is very happy at my mom's house and my dad being as self centered as he is I had to apologize to him for explaining the situation to my mom and her letting my little sister who was the owner of the dog know that I got her puppy out of the house. Yeah that was a wonderful phone call from my father while I was on my lunch break at work. Because I just love breaking down crying after being screamed at over the phone then before I can even say anything get hung up on. :/ Needless to say I didn't go back to my dad's for the past few days. I was lucky that I had work so I didn't have to think about it.

Anyways I've still thinking about those two RP's that I asked you wonderful people about a bit ago. The Megaman and Avatar Legend of Korra futuristic RP. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly I would like to do and when I looked back the votes were even on them. oTL If you are really interested in one or the other and wouldn't mind helping me figure things out for it, you're more then welcome to PM me and ask for my Skype name or we could just talk over PM or Community chat. Either way I would be thrilled to have some help in planning them out and actually coming to a final decision on which one should be put up or if both should go up. I'll put up the little blurbs about them and let me know please and thank you. Don't worry they were both at 3 I just wanted to get a clean slate for this one.

Votes: 0 Megaman RP- gist of it is you would create your own character (obviously) and their netnavi. You would be able to choose if you wanted to be a net saver or not. Only net savers would get the fusion chips though. I would more then likely have it where our characters would be around high school college ages for this. We have enough 10 year olds saving the world as it is XD *shot* But that's all I can really remember for now. *I have the info written on my flash drive that is at home. I'll have to update this later sorry oTL*

Votes: 0 Avatar Last Airbender: This one I think would be kind of fun, because I would want to do it after Korra with a new avatar and actually be more on the futuristic side of things and 10,000 years in the future where the harmonic convergence would be coming again and there would be two avatars. Raava's avatar *the original avatar* and then a dark avatar with Vaatu as their spirit. What do you think?

Did I do the right thing?

Hey everyone wish i could have finished some art for you all this morning, but i had to take my little sisters dog to my mothers. Last night wen i got home from work my dad started yelling at me about how the puppy peed in the house again when he picked her up to get her out into the mud room before he left to go get the new chest freezer. Now i know that When a puppy is afraid of something it has a hard time controlling itself. If i'm wrong please tell me otherwise. Anyways dad kept going and then he started threatening to kill the puppy. Right after that i told him i'm taking the puppy to moms. Then i get up this morning and he said the puppy can stay. I took the puppy to my moms to get her out of that house. Did i do the right thing?