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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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Commissions: OPEN


I'm guessing why there really isn't a title to this post. I couldn't think of one. Just figured that I would give you an update. First off I had to withdraw from going to Full Sail because I didn't have the money to go and all the stress of trying...

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Sorry everyone

I'm probably not going to be on much because I'm stressed about trying to get everything done to be able to get to college and everyone keeps getting on my ass about it. I'm stressed to the point where I just want to end it. It doesn't help that my older sister is on my ass to and not to happy that my mom told her not take weekends at my summer job from me because those are the main days that I work full days. I don't know what to do any more I just want to cry this is so frustrating. I'm sorry everyone I'll try to get things drawn while I'm not here. Also I'm sorry to those I"m RPing with we're going to have to pause for a little bit.

Bold the Truth

Bold whats true about you You just learned a bit about me: •I am a cuddler. •I am a morning person. •I am an only child. •I am currently in my pajamas. &bu...

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Comic WIP

Because this is too awesome not to share with you all. This image it probably going to serve more then on purpose then just the cover the put my answers for the "Ask Us" questions. Which I do have part one of Chivee's answers almost done I just have to color it quick.

Sorry everyone

Sorry about not having the ask us questions response up yet. I have been busy and it didn't help that my dad was yelling at me today and he knows that I don't like it and I break down because I'm not already stressed out enough with work and trying to figure out loans for school. I promise I'll get them done as soon as I can. oTL