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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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Open Gym

So today we had open gym for softball and for some reason i keep complaining and saying i don't want to go but i end up going any ways and usually have fun. Any ways we spent most of the time fielding ground balls, one hoppers, and pop flys. I was doing really well and it was a sinch to get the ball across the gym because i'm the center out feilder. That's right i have control over the whole feild. But that's not the point when we ended up playing a accuracy game for the last 15 minuets or so and my team won 5 out of the 7 games we played. I was happy concidering that my team for lacross in gym this morning didn't do too well. Of course Mrs. Butler our gym teacher switched me over to that team because our team seemed to aquire one to many players. That's really all that happened today. I should have fun tomorrow though i have to take all three parts of my History test because i'm not going to be in school on thursday i'm going to be on a feild trip. ;D ttyl
