My sister and i found these questions on quizilla a while back.
1) What came first, the chicken, or the egg? (Yeah, I know, we’ve all heard that one before...)
2) Was a door made to open, or to close?
3) Why was the door invented? To keep us in, or to keep others out?
4) Why isn’t White a color?
5) Why isn’t black a color?
6) Can you clap with one hand? (I dare you to try it. >< Hitting something else with one hand doesn’t count!)
7) If something falls but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
8) No matter what something is called, it really doesn’t have a name. For example, A tree is called many different things in other languages, but isn’t just _______? (That was more of a statement, but whatever.)
9) If when we look at something, we see the color that is reflected, what is its true color then?
10) How far on does the universe go on for?
11) Do aliens out their in space know that we exist?
12) How many stars are in the universe?
13) Who is the idiot that put their cell phone in a microwave?! (Their really is a warning on the cell phone boxes now....)
14) What was the reasoning behind the invention of underwear?
15) Can lazy-ness be genetic?
16) Okay, let’s just say we were able to travel back in time. You know how we are always warned not to interfere with the past because it would change the future? Yha, well, if it happened in the past, in the present, it would already have happened because we went into the past, would have already been changed. So the future would stay the same. Did you get all that? (YOU: 0o o0 @.@)
17) Why do stupid people exist?
18) Who is the A$$ Hole who invented school?! ><
19) Why doesn’t magic exist?
20) Why is the world round?
21) How can music be so wonderful to one persons ears, and then so torturous to someone else’s ears?
22) Why do we ask ourselves such random questions??!!
23) Why do fishing shows need script writers? (Look in the credits of a fishing show, you’ll find one. -_-)
24) How come we can yell at a smoker for smoking, but we can’t yell at a fat person for being fat? (I got that one from "Super Sise Me".)
25) Why do people get so attached to intimate objects?
26) Who is the idiot that used silly putty as ear plugs? (Their is a warning on silly putty, DO NOT USE SILLY PUTTY AS EAR PLUGS!)
27) How come pink is considered a 'Girl' color, and blue is considered a 'boy' color?
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Well we thought they were cool.