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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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So we had to write a pome for homework so i figured i would post it to see if you guys like it. To tell you the truth it's actually kind of dark. It surpised even me knowing that i could write something like this.

Dancing in the Rain

It was a dark stormy night.
With no light escaping through the deep grey clouds.
Her blue eyes followed the rain drops as they hit the window.
The only sound was the rain beating down.
“It’s that which connects us all.” She whispered to her empty room.
“Just like how the rain connects the earth to the sky.”
She brought her knees to her chest
And laid her head down to rest.
Listening to the soft sound of the rain as it slowly faded away.
Little by little the light broke though the clouds.
The full moon seemed to bring life back to this dark lonely night.
She left her room and went down stairs.
Closing the door quietly behind her.
The girl took a deep breath of the night’s fresh air.
Her light brown hair glistened in the moon light.
But that light soon vanished again as the rain came pouring down.
“I’ve always liked dancing in the rain.”
