Ok, so after bumping around i think i finally got the basics down.......like for instance, just figured out where i'm suppose to post my postings (and not in this intro section) YAY~!

K~, so hi everyone, You've just entered my world: Alice in WonderBREAD. Is this an Alice fan shrine? No (okay, MAYBE if you are thinking the Tim Burton & Johnny Depp version lol~). In here will be my many random musings, drawings, and everything in between (since I have too much fandom to worship), hope you guys could enjoy yourselves (once I start posting my stuffs ^^)

BTW, I'm a Newbie so far, so please gimme a shout if you love: anime, supernatural, vampire diaries, DAMON *drool*, thanks~!!

what should I post....

I think this...

Title: Storm
Medium: Watercolor

I did this right after reading Saskue killed Itachi and then found out about the truth that his brother was actually good.... and he suddenly decided to bomb flat Naruto's village (...what was it called... >o<'').... errrm, anger management much?
