Affiliation: Las Noches | Rank: Leader of the Arrancar Army | Zanpakuto Name: Kyōka Suigetsu

Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave

Slowly strolling around his throne room his hands tucked behind him, Aizen recited his riddle aloud. The acoustic in the room made his tone and the riddle sound eerie and threatening.

“This is not a piece of pretty lace. Where rain and dewdrops fall; and find their place.
I made this silver veil as light as breath -- To be an instrument of death.”

At his last word Aizen had paused from walking a few steps from him a darkened corner and within that corner a hollow spider. His web glistened with the fine thin threads of death.

“An instrument of death,” Aizen spoke softly as he raised his hand touching the web.

The hollow spider came forward to see what was trapped in his web as Aizen tangled his fingers within it trapping the spider himself in the tangled mess he now held in his palm. Aizen looking at the spider, smirked and crushed him in his hand.

“A spider web; a fine device for trapping and killing, however, if you build it only to survive; your defenses are weak.”

Just then, a folded piece of paper fell to Aizen’s feet. He bent over picking it up, opened it and read. A sly grin spread across his face.

“I will have you by my side soon Kyoka Suigetsu. Along with the hougyoku as well.” He wadded the paper tossing it to the floor and walked from the room.

Continued to: Gods or Demons?

((I wanted to make this much longer, but my break is only so long and I kept getting interrupted. I hope it will pass.))

Implausible Torture

Aizen stormed from his throne room, the flames of hell burning in his eyes once more. He was out for blood. No. He was out the thief’s immortal soul, and Aizen vowed he would own it before this was all over. He would make him suffer the most implausible torture known to man and god.

“He will pay for his treachery with his life for taking Kyoka Suigetsu.”

Aizen looked around the hall hoping to find a trace of something or someone.

Vanishing Zanpakuto's

It appears my absent here for the day was insignificant. After this morning of having the arrancars flood my throne room from missing zanpakuto. I went off to find the cause of this. It was a failed attempted in finding the cause behind this. It seems over half of my arrancar army has no zanpakuto. *sits down on throne* This is truly bothersome. These strange and inexplicable disappearances are starting to get my temper up. *gets up and quickly goes to where the hougyoku is hidden, sees it, conceals it once more* I believe I need to have a talk with someone that might be able to answer a few of my weighing question about all this. *turns and leaves the room*

Bothersome Thief

It would appear I have been getting complaints from everyone about missing objects and personal items. I am speculating here, but I would have to say Starrk has not been successful in finding this bothersome thief. I want everyone in Los Noches on alert for ‘anyone’ suspicious or out of the ordinary. If they catch this thief in the act they are to kill them on the spot. No questions ask.

((Sorry this took me so long to get posted. I have been very busy with real life. Ok Nnit your turn to assign))
