Ujikiyo as a Fraction

Nnoitra: *enters throne room, bows*

Aizen: Nnoitra, is there some thing you need?

Nnoitra: Yes Lord Aizen, I am here on request.

Aizen: And what request might that be, Nnoitra?

Nnoitra: I have been watching Numberos 79; Ujikiyo. He is showing great promise and I would like to take him on as my fraction.

Aizen: *smirks* And of what does Ujikiyo think of this?

Nnoitra: From my understanding he is very much willing to become my fraction.

Aizen: Then it is granted. Ujikiyo is now your fraction, Nnoitra.

Nnoitra: *grins with a bow* Thank you Lord Aizen. *leaves room*
